I relate to this. Sometimes I need to know how one thing resolves so I can relax and and enjoy the rest of the ride. My enjoyment of the story is undiminished. It's always nice to see there's more of us.

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Lol I do this so often. I’m still mad that I spoiled that knife death scene in The Invisible Man years ago 😭

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I think I read somewhere years ago that spoilers doesn’t actually stop people from watching shows

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I sometimes seek out spoilers to make sure the tv show is worth committing to. There are so many tv shows that are cancelled at the peak of the story or actors written off for god knows what reason. If I am going to use my precious time for a tv show, I want to make sure that it is worth my time.

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This is why I only commit to shows once the entire series is out. I can’t deal with liking something and it being cancelled after one season.

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I've come to the decision that I'm only annoyed by spoilers if someone else spoils me, not if I spoil myself. I don't think it really makes that much sense but it works for me

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one of my friends used to read the full synopsis of each episode on the wiki before watching bc she had to know what would happen🫣

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I remember watching YouTube reaction videos to the red wedding episode of GOT and everyone's horror was enough to convince me to not watch the show because I knew something extremely unpleasant was going to happen. I've noticed the anxious-avoidance in me always wants to self-protect from any on-screen violence. Like idk if I'll ever watch Squid Game after learning about the plot. Food for thought: Maybe there's something to be said about spoiler culture and attachment theory lol

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I'm the person, much like Harry in When Harry Met Sally (God, I am OLD!), who reads the end of a book quite early on. Though he does it for very different reasons! I find that if I'm not enjoying it, if I know how it ends, maybe it gets better?! It's a bit the same with movies too. Very happy for people to 'spoil' it for me - now I know if I want to see it 🤣

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Sometimes I can’t watch or read anything without a deep dive research session. I want a happy-ish ending, the people I like together and no surprises!

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