And if that media is a movie SEE IT IN THE THEATER! Hollywood will use any excuse, especially low box office, to not make movies with strong female leads, people of color, LGBTQ+, etc. Support the media you want to see.

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Harlem. I’m obsessed. They cannot make it fast enough for me.

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Yes omggg how could I forget

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100%!! I stay at the movie theater 😂

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It is not only important to watch black media, it is also important to CREATE black media. We have some incredibly creative people in our community! Don't be afraid to let you talents, passion, and frustration reign!

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Yes! There’s no such thing as bad art. If you made it and it means something to you then it is beautiful.

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Jodie really was the unsung hero of Daria!!

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My teenage self was 40% Daria and 60% Jodie. I defo had low esteem for everyone else 😆

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See that is a healthy split! I swear I was like 80% Daria hahahaha

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