Wow I did a full 180 reading this. I absolutely agree that woman have got to make the best to survive, because that’s what life is right now. I really got my guard up at first being annoyed that women are playing into patriarchal stereotypes, but then I saw why and I fully support what these women have to do. So so fascinating

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There are soooo many men out there complaining about women looking only for rich men and the associated hate and violence that comes with it. Hearing women advocating for it reeks of internal, endemic social misogyny. It's like going backwards and glorifying it. Makes my skin crawl and my soul hurt that this is where we are. May they get their best life, I won't stop them or insult or shame them. It's easy enough for me to just not watch the videos (as a disabled mum i can't afford any of it even if i was inspired to). But it makes me terribly sad.

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What she said, a lot to think about here

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Thanks for this! Lots of interesting thoughts here.

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Welp, let's see...We live in a patriarchal society who created then weaponized an entire religion to support the idea of male superiority and force women to comply with their demands. We had to force them to let us vote for f*cks sake! Nowadays they pay quite a bit of lip service to "equality" but aren't willing to actually PAY us the same amount for identical work, and say that it's due to "maternity leave" and nonsense like that. We are expected to be the primary parent in many households, with men who are totally fine with their wives doing more of the child rearing AND working the same number of hours FOR LESS MONEY. We get passed over for promotions when theres a male candidate who is anywhere near as qualified, and again they point to the fact that we work 2 full time jobs if we have a family (child rearing is one, then we have a job on top of it, unlike most men), so when a child gets sick, we have to miss work with them. We're expected to be superhuman, grateful for the privilege, and smile pretty & look hot the entire time!! At this point, I have no problem at all demanding that a guy who asks me to dinner pay for said dinner, it really is the least they can do! If you want to do the tradwife thing and demand a paycheck, you should get it! Of course, you must marry a wealthy man if that's your goal, because the income inequality that's built into our twisted society makes it impossible to live comfortably in a one income household. The thing that bothers me is women gaslighting each other for having different priorities. I have dealt with an incredible amount of s*ittalking by tradwives because I refuse to play the gender role assigned to me by society. Men fuel that issue by getting angry about equal rights and then taking that anger out on their tradwife! I understand why the wives are angry, but I believe that anger should be directed at the man who's taking his insecurities out on his wife, but instead they get mad at me for triggering their husbands by demanding the respect that I absolutely deserve!! At the end of the day, we're all in this together, and I'm not here to force people to agree with me, you do you & I'll do me, we don't need to have the same values to support one another's rights to autonomy or treat each other with kindness and compassion, do we?

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YES! Let's stop wasting our energy dragging each other for the choices we've made, and focus the energy on shifting patriarchal structures. Of course, shitposting on the internet is a lot easier and more accessible. But it's definitely misplaced frustration

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Wait, is domestic labor valuable or not? Is the food we make important or frivolous? Is paid labor the only labor worth celebrating? Is visible labor (promotions, raises, awards) the only labor that matters?

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